About Us

We started our journey at Whisper Wind Farm. After 16 years of homesteading, homeschooling, and homekeeping at Whisper Wind Farm we have moved on to a new chapter in our life. Welcome to Willow Pond and our new journey. Our oldest daughter, Petunia, has grown up turned 19 and moved on with her life. It was a traumatic journey (some of it can be read at the Whisper Wind blog). She is coming back into our life and hopefully doing some maturing, growing up and soul searching. Our youngest, Pooter, is 10 (going on 20) and has her own set of challenges. She is dyslexic, has adhd and sometimes is way too smart for her own and our own good. She is our black and white child who is struggling to live in a grey world and understand it. My husband is a wonderful man. He works hard to support his family while working in the highly stressful arena of law enforcement. He is completely devoted to God and us, his 3 girls. He is not perfect but then none of us are and despite our perfections have managed to muddle through this thing called life with our love for each other intact, even after 24 years. He is my best friend and in his words I am his and we are totally content within our little bubble together. Now our journey is continuing and changing a little. As I said our oldest has left the nest, not exactly the way we thought she would nor into the life that we thought she wanted. However, we love her and always will no matter what. I think that love is bringing her back to us little by little. We are trying hard not to judge and not to push her. We have to give this to God no matter how hard it is to do that. We have to trust Him in this matter. We face many challenges with our little one who is not so little anymore. Even church is no longer a safe sanctuary in which to raise a young girl. Many of our church friends attend public school and those conversations are winding their way unsupervised into our sunday school classrooms. We have been faced with the challenges of having conversations with our 10 year old that we never expected to have as she asks us questions about transgender children, same sex couples, and sex in general. It has broken my heart because once these topics are broached then our little girl is no longer safe in the innocence of childhood. We are still homeschooling which is definitely the best option for her since she has been diagnosed with dyslexia. She also is obviously adhd, but is not officially diagnosed. She also is very intelligent and has an amazing capacity for learning something once and remembering it forever and being able to apply it to other things. Willow Pond will still be a place of homesteading since my husband and I believe that we can provide the healthiest food cheaper than the grocery store. We also like having the independence that having our own food supply gives us. However, since we are starting over completely from scratch and we are in our mid 40s with only 1 more child at home we will be looking at things from a retirement/aging perspective. Things will be much different here at Willow Pond than they were at Whisper Wind Farm. While we bring our knowledge with us we will be learning many new and different things because we plan to be here for a long time, into our golden years, and we want things to be prepared for that time in our life. So indeed this will be a new journey for us and a new journey for our readers from Whisper Wind Farm. Please join us as we muddle through its ups and downs together.

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