Showing posts with label Book Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book Challenge. Show all posts

Monday, February 12, 2024

What Am I Reading?


Not only am I trying to be more diligent about posting on my newer blog, but I am also trying to get back into the habit of reading. While I was working at the restaurant, I would either be too busy trying to catch up with work at home or too tired to really read a book. I just couldn't manage to really get into a good reading session or routine. So, here I am. I love to read. I have a fantastic library. I have even been adding books to that library, but they simply go on the shelf. So, I thought if I actually kept track of the books I am reading here on the blog that I might actually get some reading done. This is not twaddle free literature, but it is fun and enjoyable. 

The latest book I am trying to read (I got it from our local book exchange last September) is  The House at Saltwater Point by Colleen Coble. It is a really nice fun read so far. It is a mystery and I think it will be a bit of a romance here soon. I am only a third of the way into the book but it is really nice light reading and I am enjoying it. It is part of a series Ms. Coble has done called the Lavender Tides novels. These books are set in a fictional town called Lavender Tides. This particular book is about the mysterious disappearance of a young woman's sister. Apparently, there is cocaine involved and a really nice coast guard investigator who happens to have a mystery of his own. He has recently found out that he was adopted as a baby and that he is originally from Lavender Tides, but his parents died in an earthquake and he and his sister were separated.  Hopefully, you guys are reading some good books as well! Blessings, Kat

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Book Challenge #2

Well, I finished the Time Machine and I must say that I enjoyed it very much. It was not at all as I expected it to be. It was an exciting book full of adventure. The general plot is that a scientist invents a time machine and travels to another world where he stays a little while because it seems like paradise. However, he soon realizes that the gentle people that he is staying with are actually "cattle" for the wild animalistic people of the underground. These almost inhuman beings have captured his time machine so that he cannot leave without encountering them on a very close and personal level. Then, of course, he runs into the dilemma of what to do with the sweet gentle people he has grown to care for now that he knows their eventual fate. As I said, not at all what I expected it to be.  It is a very delightful book. I suppose I could expound on deep theories and analyses. However, I was reading this simply for fun and to broaden my mental library. So I won't expound on anything other than it was a fun book and not overly long so it can be finished rather quickly.

My next adventure in reading is the complete Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. I have read a few of these (Hound of the Baskervilles), but have not read in its entirety. I must say it is a bit drier than I expected so far. Anyone else out there in blogger land adding to their mental library?

 Blessings to all, Kat

Friday, September 1, 2017

Twaddle Free Book Challenge

I have set myself a challenge when it comes to my reading material. I have a beautiful library full of books, some of which I have never read. Most of those that haven't been read are considered classics or as Charlotte Mason would say...twaddle free. Some of them I haven't read because I have seen a movie based on the book or know the general story line and don't really think that it will be interesting. Some I haven't read because the author was very heavy into the darkside of mankind (Joseph Conrad) and well I don't generally like anything that heavy for entertainment. However, I don't like having unread books in my library either. So my challenge to myself is that for every general entertainment (twaddle) book that I read (lately has been the Mitford series) I must read one of the classics in my library. So right now I am reading The Time Machine by Jules Verne. This is one that I thought I knew the general story and so wasn't interested in really reading it. Boy was I wrong! This is a great book and I didn't know the story at all. I highly recommend it. So, I am going to challenge my readers to broaden their horizons in good solid twaddle free literature. What are you reading this month? Blessings from the pond, Kat