I had an orientation meeting to attend for my daughter's class she is taking outside of home this past week. The speaker told a story about herself that really touched me deeply. I work a part time job. I have also turned in my notice to leave said part time job because the attitudes and atmosphere has become downright toxic. The head cook treats people horribly, screaming and yelling, even throwing things in anger and rage. It isn't the same place that I started working at. The place that I started working at was run by a woman whose faith and commitment to God was strong. She truly believed in living for Him and her restaurant became a ministry that honored Him. Through that little country restaurant many lives were healed by Christ's love that shown through her. She gave opportunity to people who would otherwise have not gotten any. She loved on customers who had no one else. Her little restaurant became home to employees and customers alike. She retired last year and her family still runs the restaurant. While most of the employees call themselves Christian I would dare say that their behavior does not match their words. I have noticed it more and more. However, the past 4 months or so the atmosphere has become unbearable as I watch this person get away with nothing less than abuse. Mostly the abuse is directed at the young teenagers that work for us. They are all hard working, good kids. However, they are still kids who make mistakes or become lax in their work ethic. This is the place for them to learn from caring adults how to be better...how to do better. It shouldn't be the place where they are told that they are stupid, worthless, or even to have their hair pulled. The owners have been informed. They shrug it off and say they don't know what to do because she says she doesn't do these things. She thinks everybody else is the problem. She is proud in a way for her behavior. It's a toxic place to work and it shouldn't be....we are all Christians....we all talk about God's blessings, grace and mercy on a daily basis. So this brings me to the speaker's story yesterday at orientation.
Her neighbor has a very large magnolia tree just inside his property line. If you know anything about Magnolia trees you know they shed large leaves and flower buds all over the place. This lady was sweeping her sidewalk in front of her home and noticed a large amount of magnolia leaves all over her perfectly manicured lawn that her husband had just spent hours mowing, weed eating, and edging. She got very upset and was tempted to go get the blower and blow the leaves back into the neighbor's yard. However, the Lord convicted her heart. Instead, she got a trash bag and started picking up the leaves by hand. After a bit of time a stout breeze came along and blew a good portion of them back into the neighbor's yard. It was as if the Lord were helping her to do the right thing. She continued to pick up what was left of the leaves until reaching the last leaf. This leaf was in the shape of a heart. The good Lord sending a message of "well done" to his faithful servant who had been open enough to feel his conviction. Her behavior that day honored the Lord, even though there was no one to see it and no one to hear any words she might have spoken in praise of Him. Very often as Christians our words are the only thing that praises and honors Christ our Lord. Our behavior though, brings Him shame. Our behavior contradicts our words of praise. It doesn't matter how many Christian songs are played, or how many "I am so blessed" phrases are said. When behavior dishonors God, not amount of "God is good" can make up for it. He sees how we behave and our behavior and our life should match the words that leave our mouth. We should aim to be more like Him everyday and He would never treat us with harsh, demeaning words. He would never rage when small corrections and teaching suffice. A simple story became a very profound realization for me. I plan to try and spread this message in as many places as possible, but especially among my current coworkers. Hopefully, some seed will be planted before I leave. Many blessings to you all.