Friday, September 1, 2017

Twaddle Free Book Challenge

I have set myself a challenge when it comes to my reading material. I have a beautiful library full of books, some of which I have never read. Most of those that haven't been read are considered classics or as Charlotte Mason would say...twaddle free. Some of them I haven't read because I have seen a movie based on the book or know the general story line and don't really think that it will be interesting. Some I haven't read because the author was very heavy into the darkside of mankind (Joseph Conrad) and well I don't generally like anything that heavy for entertainment. However, I don't like having unread books in my library either. So my challenge to myself is that for every general entertainment (twaddle) book that I read (lately has been the Mitford series) I must read one of the classics in my library. So right now I am reading The Time Machine by Jules Verne. This is one that I thought I knew the general story and so wasn't interested in really reading it. Boy was I wrong! This is a great book and I didn't know the story at all. I highly recommend it. So, I am going to challenge my readers to broaden their horizons in good solid twaddle free literature. What are you reading this month? Blessings from the pond, Kat

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