Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Rabbits in a colony

 Rabbits are very social animals. In the wild they live in a group called a colony and their home is a serious of tunnels with "rooms" called a warren. Rabbits in the wild don't live alone in a cage. So our rabbits don't live alone separated in cages. There are some good things about colony keeping and there are some bad things. We have been raising our rabbits in colonies for about 10 years (give or take). The 2 biggest drawbacks we have are trying to feed them without stepping on rabbits. They love to see us come in the colony and instead of running away they run circles around our feet. This makes walking difficult. The second drawback to colony raising rabbits is moving the little ones off to themselves to grow out. They do get moved to a cage but the whole litter goes together in one large cage to grow out and get bigger. In all fairness we did try at one time to raise rabbits in cages. It simply did not work well for us. We just couldn't get the timing right or something. We had very few litters and does that really didn't like us very much. Now our rabbits are happy to see us, happy with their lives and really have it pretty good. Many blessings, Kat

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